are you missing the love of your kin?


The male would not respect thought who did not earn respect, and the one’s that had fallen from his grace would have a harder time coming out of that spot in his heart where he felt hate, the same hate he had for Jefferson, though his was for leaving his pack and leaving Noah onto the hands of someone that did not understand just how he worked. The hybrid male that his snowy mother had hated so much understood Noah better than anyone he had ever met, as well as any other leader would. The male knew that Noah had a surplus of feeling and he was not one to hood them back, however along with that he was much like a pup when he wanted to know something he would press and press for information. He also was a male that loved to be left alone and able to do his own thing, dance to own music as some might say. Jefferson understood that about him, why was his very own mother, his own flesh and blood being so hard headed about this matter. All she would have to do was admit to the truth, admit she loved the snow male clone more, admit that she favored him, and admit she was wrong for talking down about Sky and her choice of personal believes. There was nothing wrong with not having a steed fast relationship with some un-seen god or goddess. However when you go around degrading other’s choice it make you no better than the dirt that they walked on.

Feeling the nip at his shoulder from the black male he grunted, it hurt yes, it hurt like hell but the male would not allow the physical pain to make his yelp, whine, squeal or even whimper. He would take this because he knew the fight with the snowy mother had warranted it, however he was not going to give her the respect she wanted for. The black male told both of them to leave the fight here upon the grounds that they stood upon. The male would agree to that, but he was going to have a hard time coming back around to his mother.

The silver male knew it was better if he listened to the black male, he was aware that if he failed to yield to the command he might be kicked out of the pack or land at the bottom of the ranks and made to eat very last, and if there was pent up anger in the pack the members would come searching him out. The male did not know that he was already in route to be the pack’s first Omega. There was no coming out of that rank once one of the leaders had demoted you to such a low worthy rank.

Looking upon the snowy lady the male narrowed his eyes, and locked his jaw glaring at her for just a second, long enough for her to know that this fight at least emotional was far from over, and he would not submit or show any weakness around her as so long as she was riding upon her high horse and she finally admitted to what she was saying was false and came out with the truth…all of it. Then and only then would be say something to her, he would play the role of pack member and would laugh and carry on and be happy with the members, however if and when it came down to just them two again. He would cast his cold shoulder upon her, just as she had when he was the black furry fluffy pup that was locked up every night in the ranch home of that which the Vale members called home.

”…to the den.” The silver male echoed as he turned away from the white mother, following the path of the black male’s scent he had laid out for the New Dawn members, and Noah for a seen and unseen path to the pack den. He would allow Deuce to make her own choice about whether or not she would return to the huge den that the pack slept in as a family. Just because they would both be there didn’t mean he would look at her, talk to her, or even acknowledge that she was even alive. She was the unworthy one, the one that should not be fit to be seen in her goddess eyes.
Oh how she had angered the silver male.

Noah Sawtooth

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