And so they met
Alonso had just begun to give up hope when he smelt a familiar scent coming in his direction. The scent was quickly followed by the wolf itself as Kiara bounded towards him tail wagging in the air. Alonso brightened automatically. She was just so happy to see him that he forgot all about the cold and his long wait at the border. He dashed towards her and stopped just as she rolled over in the snow in front of him and licked him. He was just about to return her greeting with equal fervor when he noticed a red spiral scar on her belly. He just managed to stop himself jumping on her and stepped back a couple of paces from Kiara. He moved carefully towards the wound and sniffed it, trying to discern the nature and extent of the wound. It was all new to him, this feeling of worry at seeing how hurt she was, the anger against the Luperci that did it. He unconsciously nuzzled the wound with his nose and gave it a tentative lick. He immediately realized what he was doing and backed away hurriedly incase she misinterpreted his actions.

“Lo siento... I mean… I am sorry. I didn’t mean to…” Alonso finally stopped muttering incoherently and managed to compose himself a little. “What happened to you?” he asked worriedly. As he moved back and took in her appearance completely he noticed two more scars around her neck and shoulder blade. It looked she had been in a fight with a knife and had definitely not come off the better. “She could be a Luperci now” thought Alonso for a minute but he quickly put the worrying thought out of his mind as he sat back with his ears flopped down, waiting for Kiara to respond.

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