(m) Drunken Revelry
The blonde hybrid woman seemed amiable enough, if possibly an alcoholic. Well, that didn't matter much. Sebastian was one too, and the worst thing that could happen was the wine running out. Two bottles should be plenty, though. Sebastian didn't answer, as she immediately let out a sharp bark, calling her... servant, maybe? Perhaps a particularly spineless friend or brother? Hopefully he wasn't a slave. Whatever he was, the rugged hybrid quickly left to fetch more meat to add to the amount the woman was already cooking. So he probably wasn't a slave; there was no reason why the woman would cook her own meals if a slave could do it for her.

"Indeed, Madonna. What else is there to drink on cold nights?" Sebastian took a seat on one of the furs lying across the ground, a few feet from the taller woman. God, everyone was taller than him in this place. By at least half a foot, if he were lucky. The Italian rummaged inside his satchel for a few moments and withdrew a decently sized bottle of red wine. He uncorked it and took a sip before he set it on the ground next to the blonde. "A nice vintage," he remarked, leaning back and lying down to prop himself up on one elbow.

"I am simply exploring. Humans have always interested me, especially their architecture and artwork." Sebastian made a sweeping gesture around the room. The castle wasn't personally to his taste, but it was a fine building. Some tasteful marble instead of dark stone would have made a world of difference.

"I am Sebastian Auditore, of Casa di Cavalieri." Sebastian dipped his head politely. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance." He paused for a moment, saffron eyes gazing at the passageway that the male wolfdog had gone down. "May I know your name, and that of your friend?"

Though he was polite, Sebastian was generally more interested in those he had a possibility of sleeping with.

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