(m) Drunken Revelry

OOC here.

Word Count → 000

Using a slave for every little thing was not Amy's style. Hadley did provide breakfast, but mostly she used him for physical labor and as an assistant selling her wares. She didn't trust him not to break things, and enjoyed interacting with people directly. It had given her an odd reputation in Europe, people gossiping about her slaves being some of the most spoiled around. The slaves knew the truth though. Belonging to Amy meant hard work, little rest, and occasionally being tortured just to keep her entertained. Amy did whatever she wished with them, though on this occasion Amy was in enough of a rage that she was doing labor herself, trying to work through her frustration.

Grabbing the bottle Amy took a deep drink before setting it back down. The wolf introduced himself as Sebastian Auditore, a name that struck a chord with Amy. Narrowing her eyes she studied him. Auditore? That big wealthy family in Italy? What a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm Amy Sunders, and the worthless bag of meat I sent to get more food's Hadley. You interested in him? His gaze had not gone unnoticed for Amy. While she didn't swing that way herself, anything that made profit for her was acceptable. If it meant selling Hadley to the male for a night, she was all for it.

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