Family is everything, no matter how far away

Hey there! Big Grin

Word Count → 000

It was midday, the sun hidden behind the thick layer of clouds and the bright white blanket of snow. The Knight girl sat in her room, gazing out the window at the bare auburn trees and the frost that lined her window. Sighing softly, the girl rose to her paws. The old floorboards creaked loudly as she began to walk towards the dark brown door. Exiting her room, the girl began to think about her family and her brothers, Tony especially.

It was obvious that her father and brothers where pouting because she had a mate now. Someone else to 'look after their little Fia'. It hadn't gone unnoticed. Running her paws through her black hair, ridding of all the tangles, she gave out another sigh. Why do they dislike her mate? It's her mate right? What would Tony think? What does he think?

She padded down the hallways at a slow pace, heading towards the courtroom. The wallpaper was old and peeling, yellow and crisp at the edges. Bringing her paw down, she smiled softly to herself as the diamond on the ring smiled back with love and appreciation. She loved him so much...and no one would be able to understand the bond the two shared between each other.

Fia was rather excited about Tony joining the pack. But, she was also a bit surprised that he left their mother. He had always been the one to be around her the most. Maybe he had just missed his siblings and father? Whatever the reason, the maturing woman was happy nevertheless that he was here. She had missed him, of course she had.

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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