Skirting the Edges

You can PP the cougar.

Zalen collided with the cougar as if it was made out of stone instead of fur and muscles. He dug claws in but the cougar immediately shook him off like he was nothing more than some annoying insect. Zalen landed on his feet a ways away and the two squared off with each other, snarls and hisses melting together into the sounds of war. Zalen charged again, but the cougar dodged him easily, feline reflexes much more advanced than his own. She then swiped at him, and he jerked away, her claws barely missing the fur on his chest. He countered with a swipe of his own, and managed to slap the cat hard on the withers before it jumped away.

The cougar then attacked more ferociously, meant on making this conflict come to an end quickly, she jumped at him, long thick tail waving behind her like a banner. She swiped at his legs and he lost his footing, falling to the ground, and her paws came down towards his face. He rolled away just in time, the snow attaching to his black fur in clumps, weighing him down. He pounced, jaws attaching to her foreleg before shaking. She screeched at threw a blow on his back and it was like being hit by a bull. The wind was knocked from him as he was sent flying back into the paws of another wolf.

He looked up at the newly arrived male with surprise, but with his eyes pleaded, Help! He said hoarsely, before turning to face the cougar again. It was already coming towards the two. Zalen dodge again and nipped at the cougars flank, canines grazing it's flesh and tearing a wound. The cougar let out a snake like hiss and turned to him again to swipe.

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