Everyone has a place
<style>@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Frijole);</style>Jiva Takekuro
Word Count :: 311
ZOMG! haha :3

His eyes moved through to watch the throng of canines, about their business, ignoring him as he was keeping his distance. He was intrigued by the stuff they had, but then he liked sitting back and watching as well. If this had been a game, well he’d be in the middle of it, telling them all the rules of how to play; but that wasn’t the case. His mismatched eyes, a teltale sign that he was son to his mother and father. The green eye showing he was that of his father’s wolf blood, though his shape was wolfish, his coloring and purple eye was of his mothers, she was part husky so he had the colorings of such. His eyes stopped at a femme, who was standing outside the throng of furred bodies and he wondered if she felt as claustrophobic as he did. He noticed her black color, and the smell, and at first thought Zalen, but she didn’t smell like him, of course she was female, and a bit younger. Not to mention shorter too, perhaps a relative? When she looked at him he was taken aback and held his breath. This was the first time he had seen anyone else with bi colored eyes, and his mind went to ‘wow!’ But his brain also said, ‘well she can’t know about what i just thought!!!’ So he made to look as though he cared little. He listened to her and nodded.

“It’s uncanny, as though the whole of the world now revolves around those that are luperci. The virus thing, it’s changed our kind so much.”

He spoke wisely and in his head he thought ‘I’m not sure it was for the better either.’ He had his eyes back on the vendors, though he was nonchalantly glancing at the girl, it was a trick he’d learned from his father, who taught him that looking straight in the eyes of an eagle was a very very bad idea, so to keep an eye on one he would have ot use a tactic that made it look like he was looking at something else. He did acknowledge her though, but he was feeling far to embarrassed about his thoughts, as though she had actually heard them. Thank goodness she didn’t, he would be extremely embararssed if he said such things out loud and he probably wouldn’t be able to live with himself.

Image courtesy of UmbraDeNoapte-Stock

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Table made by Kitty!

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