(m) Drunken Revelry
Hadley's mind had stopped functioning completely, hazed by drink and lust. He didn't even remember if it was a male or a female underneath him, and if he did know he probably wouldn't care. He let out small groans of pleasure as he hit the flesh beneath him, so satisfying in the feel. He heard the yelp beneath him, and responded automatically to the command, adjusting himself so he would hit there. Yes master. His broken spirit kept him from being truly dominant, ready to bend to any request made of him. If Amy had been there she would have laughed at the sight, watching him so readily adjust to something from a simple command.

Impassioned Hadley reached down, stroking Sebastian's ears. He leaned down, giving his partner a lick before straightening up again, his thrusts finally slowing into something more rhythmic, beating against the male smoothly, arching to rub against that spot he'd been asked to hit. Hadley closed his eyes with pleasure, letting the sensations swallow him and the memories of where he was fade away, only the moment of grunting and grinding existing within him.

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