I'm at the edge of a dream
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…I suck. I’m sorry. :x

Magnolia listened to the girls story, choosing to remain stone-faced when she added that extra comment about Salvia. It was very true that Magnolia was practically a stranger to the girl; they had only truly met once, and Magnolia had a tendency to avoid the rest of her pack. Despite that, though, they were a family that the silver girl was lucky enough to be in. She let the woman before her speak, despite her irritation with her words.

Her story mentioned a pack that Magnolia was unaware of. However, how stupid would she look if she were unaware of it? She added scouting out the borders of the pack to her mental to-do list for a time when the weather wasn’t so cold. The girl continued on, and when she was finished, Magnolia nodded. If I see him, I will. She had never interacted with the man before but she was sure there would come a day soon where she would.

When the frail-looking woman handed her a necklace, however, her eyes widened in surprise. Magnolia finally decided to give Wretch a genuine smile, feeling sorry for her. Maggie grasped the necklace and carefully dangled the jewel close to her eyes for a further inspection. This is beautiful, thank you, Wretch, She said quietly.

Image by Sean McMenemy, table by Tammi!

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