I just need to breathe

Word Count ::513 Points::5 OOC:: Muse issues? Not a problem. My problem is that I can't post like after 11pm cuz I make stupid mistakes past my time of good functioning.

The decently clothed woman who sat on the rock just in front of the caves entrance greeted him. In his mind it seemed depressing for one to try to keep themselves occupied with their own loneliness out in the cold. The female with the intriguing appearance somewhat agreed with him, saying that he might be right. She introduced herself to him as Xyza Glow, it was kind of amusing because somehow her name seemed very appropriate to the male. Her name wouldn’t be one that he could easily forget if at all possible. Xyza Glow, it’s nice to meet you. She accepted his nonverbal offer to help her up off the rock. Her hand felt especially chilly inside his from her being out here, sort of causing him to worry about her a little. He watched her look around before bringing her eyes back to his. She said that she lived at the building in the direction behind him, she ranted off some of the others that she lived with. He looked over his shoulder in the direction of the hotel. The Dasa got a mild case of goose bumps at the thought. Unbelievable, she lived with the crazy woman Aeron and her mate along with a handful of other canines.

Xyza asked if he wished to go into the cave or back to her place. A comment like that from a woman he would normally over think far too much and cause himself to get nervous, but this time he didn’t ponder over it too much. In fact the husky-lab mix liked the idea of going back to the building where she was staying. He could walk her home and feel content that all was well, even though there was no danger or threats of any kind, not inside their pack lands at least. The days just felt gone to him, winter forced the sun to stay away longer, limiting the hours of light there was to work with and enjoy. Aeron was probably going to flip her shit when she saw the trouble making Dasa at her place of residence again so soon. The last time that he’d really seen her was during their training session which was primarily her making a big fool out of him. The interestingly colored woman continued to speak, reaffirming that he had the choice to do whatever. She returned her gaze to his one more time. Xyza seemed really timid and rather unsure of herself. Mido understood that it took all kinds of characters to make the world go round, but he felt sort of uneasy around others with little self confidence, because half the time they never gave themselves the credit they deserved. The male really didn’t feel like going back into the gloom of the cave, for once he was in there; he probably wouldn’t have anything to do. I wouldn’t mind accompanying you back to your place, if that doesn’t bother you. He answered, hoping that he wouldn’t be bugging her. He didn’t feel bad about irritating Aeron if she was there.

Table by the Mentors!
my avatar is NATalicious

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