(m) Drunken Revelry
The tail was still raised for an instant, making Hadley wonder if there was enough in the red wolf for another round. It wouldn't take a lot of persuasion for him to do so. The tail dropped though, and he smiled slightly as the wolf blushed. He shifted his position slightly, still folded up protectively against any harm that might come towards him. He wasn't sure if he'd done what was wanted properly. The open ended invitation had made him think it was possible, but he still wasn't completely sure. His gaze turned to the fire, thinking about other nights, awakening without knowledge of what had happened. This was sure to be another one of those for him, the sound of something crawling towards him twitching his ears.

Thinking it was Amy coming to play in the night Hadley's ears flattened, immediately going submissive. Maybe if he didn't fight too hard it would be a short game. What happened was different though. Hands touched him lightly, a tongue licking his sheath. Surprised and pleasured Hadley glanced down, finding the tiny female rubbing against him. He smiled, game for the next part as he let himself be pulled down, almost completely on top of the wolf beneath him. Hadley supported himself with his arms gently, careful not to put too much pressure on the small body beneath him. He kissed him eagerly, ready to go again as the fur was pulled around them. The two bodies curled up together, tightly pressed together. The combination of warmth and alcohol pretty much did him in then. Yes. He closed his eyes, and drifted to sleep.

Amy woke up the next morning with a slight headache. Looking at the bottles around her she grimaced as she realized what must have happened. Taking them out she threw the bottles to the far end of the castle, letting the glass shatter on the wall. She still remembered her plan from the night before, and that meant there was a lot that needed to be done today. Heading into where she'd left Hadley and Sebastian for their little game, Amy snorted as she came across the sight. Sebastian, the tiny little wolf, was pretty much tucked into Hadley just like a small child. The slave himself seemed pretty care free, no lines of worry on his face as he slept under the blanket. Silently she stepped over, careful not to disturb Sebastian. Wake up. I need to get the wagon ready.

Hadley woke up smiling a little until he saw Amy's face. It dropped right off as he looked around. Horror dawned on his face as he stared at Sebastian. Now that wouldn't do. Amy couldn't let him embarrass her guest like that. Roughly she pulled him free, making sure that the blanket stayed secure around Sebastian. What a mistake. If she hadn't come in so early Hadley would have made a fool of her. Don't look so disgusted. Get to the wagon and start preparing it for departure. Don't come back until you can control yourself. Geez, he was a fool. He was just a slave, designed to do people's will. He shouldn't feel disgust for what he'd done. Shaking her head slightly she turned to the remains of the fire, starting it up again. Blowing lightly she got it started.

A quick trip to the wagon got her some breakfast supplies. She found the remains of the slave vomiting, and sent him to cleaning it up. There would be no sign of any mistakes, any lack of imperfection in her work. He was one of her best pieces of work, and she would not have him be an insult to her name. With a pan in hand she gently tossed some meat on the fire. Adding some spices Amy hummed softly, preparing the meal she'd have before leaving. Looked like she'd need to burn some of the furs she'd laid out. There was no way Amy was cleaning the remains of that off the fur.

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