The Undertaker
Tender ears slid forward across her skull in the few moments after she spoke, cupping forward to take in the sounds that might come. After a moment of listening though, she received no reply. Instead of shrugging it off, she's been almost certain that she had seen something, she began her way easily across the stage, taking long strides to bring herself to the stairs quickly. Once there, she descended them in an easy leap, landing on her feet with a quiet thud. "I didn't hurt you last time, songbird." She called out again, almost in a sing-songy fashion, though she was certain that what she had seen wasn't the wolf that she had chased around in the dark.

Coming to the isle that ran up the middle of the two sets of seats, Dhalia started her way up slowly, dragging her hands along the outer chairs as she went. She took her time though, leaning to one side and then to the other, to examine that area between the rows, searching for her mysterious company. "You don't have to hide.." Her voice echoed off the walls of the theatre as she called out, continuing up the rows of chairs one by one.


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