milk them chickens and pluck them cows.

!@#$%Anselm turned his head to the side and lowered it in greeting as Gabriel approached. Abraxas turned his sharp golden eyes on the doggish figure, as well, but otherwise said and did nothing. At the inquiry, the hybrid offered a short snort of amusement. "I'd be more tempted to say 'accomplice,'" he stated evenly. Anselm liked to think he didn't keep friends with the crazies--then again, could the whole damn clan not be an exception? "His name is Abraxas. He's a regular whack job, but he's helped me out in the past."

!@#$%The fox, who up to this point seemed un-fazed that they were talking about him like he didn't exist, now took a moment to stand and shake out his ratty coat. He jumped down and moved closer to Gabriel, obviously inspecting him "carefully," then returned to Anselm's side. "And who are you, dog boy?" he squealed, his tone and demeanour clearly a little off. Anselm lifted up a large fore paw and gave him a smart thwap on the back of his head, which caused the smaller canine to loose balance and scramble to keep his perch on the rock. Anselm laughed. "That's my cousin, Gabriel. Treat him as you'd treat me."
!@#$%Again, the whole incident seemed to go by largely unnoticed by the fox, except that he now took a little bow. Unfortunately, he seemed more like a slimy jester than a loyal subject, but Anselm knew that those two sentences would be all that it took. Abraxas always looked off his rocker, but he seemed to take orders from Anselm well enough. Catching Gabe's eye for a moment, he rolled his own and shrugged. What else was there to say about Abraxas? He was pretty much doing all the talking for him.

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