And so they met
OOC: The little girl trying to play with the big boys Tongue

Alonso gave a little grin as Kiara gave him a playful nudge. Here she was, all hurt and beaten up, and she was still trying to prove what a big, bad wolf she was. It was one of the many things he loved about her. ‘Loved?’ The word took him surprise. Sure he thought Kiara was fun and he did love spending time with her. But the idea of love was still a foreign concept to him. He had loved his family yes… and his pack mates… and his friends. But this; this was a completely new feeling. It made him feel protective, like he could fight anyone and anything to keep her safe. It made him worry; how many more wounds did she have, was she in a lot of pain? He shook himself, trying to clear his head of all its confusing thoughts, and turned back towards her.

“Are you sure you’re okay? Does it hurt?” he asked as he nuzzled her with his nose. She still looked like she wanted a game but he sat down next to her instead and nibbled her ear. Before she had a chance to answer he nudged her and spoke again. “So did you try flirting with a yellow dog and get snubbed for all your efforts?” he teased her. He tried not looking at her directly as he spoke, so as to not get distracted by her pretty sapphire eyes. He continued to hover protectively over her as he spoke and quietly nuzzled her.

Word Count: 253

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