
OOC love that first part!

Terra wagged her tail happily as the door creaked open. A male, just a few months older than her, pried it open. She looked at him stick his head out, standing in his optime form. Terra had been in her burly secui form, letting her bound through the snow without being caught by it, though it was hard to tell since she still looked thin, mostly like a slightly muscular normal wolf. She smiled at him as he clung to the door for dear life. He appeared terrified of her, despite her friendly appearance. Well, perhaps not the most friendly.

Thanks. You should see me when I'm on two legs. She winked at him teasingly, her jaw open in a silent laugh. Twisting around the door where he stood Terra stuck her head inside. It was a pretty empty room, not even any cloth or furniture left over. Pulling her head back she looked at him quizzically. Why did you pick this room? Her own room had been chosen because she'd been able to make a kind of den in the mattress, and had a closet she could curl up and hide in.

Let the night take you away

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