said i'd always be there

OOC don't forget about amy

Footsteps came closer, and Hadley braced himself for the worst. He didn't move, didn't struggle, simply dropped his gaze and adopted a blank look. It was best not to fight. The more he fought the more she enjoyed herself, the deeper the cuts. Hadley couldn't help himself though, always breaking into a struggle partway through, followed by her laughter. He stopped breathing as a voice called out, saying his name. Female. That was definitely female.

Not Amy though. He lifted his head, finding himself facing the young hybrid Amy had talked to. She came from a pretty important family. Amy had worked quite hard to win her confidences. He straightened up, the rules still impressed into his mind. Don't embarrass her by being clumsy. Don't insult her guests. Even beyond Amy's presence he felt sure that Amy considered Selene one of her 'guests', and would kill Hadley if he offended her. Hearing her words he shook his head. It's fine. Stay. Do you want some blankets? Sebastian has some upstairs.

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