said i'd always be there

OOC here!

He wasn't exactly sure what to do, used to just being ordered around. Hadley actually found himself reaching for the memories of what Amy usually do when there was a guest. Part of him wondered if he should wake up his new master to inform him, but waking Sebastian seemed like a pretty bad idea. Disturbing his master's sleep had always resulted in more pain. When she spoke Amy's name Hadley shook his head. He didn't want to speak about her, afraid that could summon her there to take him away.

She gestured for him to sit, and Hadley sat down on the stairs nervously. He watched her, his eyes partially masked. Her words were meant to be funny, but Hadley took them quite seriously. You can have the blanket I'm using. He didn't want the girl to be uncomfortable. If it meant giving up the blanket so be it. He'd slept without them before, did all the time. He stiffened slightly as she touched his cheek, trying not to pull away. His eyes filled with fear, unable to pull away, unable to speak.

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