Sky Means Tochina

Word Count :: +000

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Olnayni seemed to understand how hard that was, with the right amount of appreciation in her voice. Happily Dalgina strutted back and forth, tail wagging before turning and curling up under Kiara's head. She loved being with her friend, even if she was older than her. Dalgina wasn't feeling too tired anymore, but she still liked cuddling up with her friends. Twisting her head Dalgina smiled, her small tongue darting out for a quick lick. Mahn tell me stories bout Arctic. I follow them! I outsmart the olnayni!

Her nose wrinkled as the arctic wolf's scent filtered through her nose. It wasn't a bad smell, but very different. Olnayni had changed somehow. Dalgina reached up, taking a deeper smell, trying to figure out what it was. Wrinkling her nose she pulled back. You smell different. Why? You go traveling like Saul? Did you bring Hermes to take care of you? Dalgina was convinced that was the first step before traveling, getting Hermes so he would come and protect you.

Dalgina Wolfe-Denahlii

Table by Alex

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