[M] If I were dead this is how I'd be
She had thought she was alone she thought that she was going to beable to be alone. She wasn't sure what she was going to do alone. But she had left her children and wife home she was nothing but a mental blood bath. Her trueself seemed to to be locked away. She hid who she really was no in exchange for a creature that had no emotion outwardly. Fear, sadness, love, a mothers nurturing. It was all tucked away, these things only allowed her to be hurt. she would never allow herself to be hurt again.

The sound of a males voice came and one would normally be startled but the shell that she had become didn't allow this emotion to show through. He spoke and she just stood there. Her mind blank and what he said almost didn't registered. "Nothing is wrong." She spoke her voice holding no real tone. Her mind still healing from mental trama.

Aeron turned to look at him. Who was this man why was he right here. Though in honesty why did it matter to her any more. Aeron looked at him her now dull gold eyes just looked at him. waiting for him to say something more. If she was her normal self she'd gut him but none of that existed right now.

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