Sky Means Tochina

Word Count :: +000

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Kiara tipped away for a second, and when she dipped back down her words sounded fairly serious. Twisting her head Dalgina listened carefully. She didn't know that she was speaking a different language. To be told so was quite the revelation to the young puppy. Dalgina wondered if there were lots of languages out there, so many that nobody understood what anyone was saying. That was a big stretch though. After all, most of the canines she talked to understood what she was saying, and that was the important part. They hadn't said anything Dalgina hadn't understood either. Well, there were a couple words here and there, but that was alright.

Dalgina laughed as the nose was buried into her side, tickling the small puppy. We're arctic! We win! Scrunching up her face she concentrated on the words Kiara had said. Snow means olnayni, and Mama means Mahn. Everyone say this? She didn't see anything wrong in calling her Mahn what she was, and changing it to something else seemed a little strange. If Olnayni said that's how it was supposed to be though, Dalgina would try extra hard to do so.

Dalgina Wolfe-Denahlii

Table by Alex

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