said i'd always be there

OOC here!

Hadley started as Selene began choking on the drink he'd so willingly handed over. Great, he was sure to be punished for attempted murder this time. Ears pinned to his head he pressed into the back of the couch, hoping that he could possibly be forgotten. Selene survived, though she did move away from Hadley. Silently she asked where he came from, something Hadley wasn't even sure how to answer. He knew where he came from, just not how to answer the question. He wondered if he was even supposed to speak. He was being treated like an equal after all.

Somehow Selene managed to end up on the floor, causing Hadley to stand up as he was handed the bottle again. Shuffling to the side he watched Sebastian stand up to help her back to the couch. Her words had his face twisting in disgust. There was no way. He wasn't gay. He had nothing to do with guys. Sleeping with them was unbelievable. The memories of what he'd done that morning drifted into his head, but Hadley firmly pushed that away. That had been extenuating circumstances. Sebastian hadn't wanted to be returned to Amy, that's all. Hadley wiped his expression clean as Sebastian turned to look at him. He wasn't going to be locked up again. Not like the day after his first time with Sebastian.

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