
OOC Jan 25

The wolf didn't seem to like her touch, trying to make himself shrink away at her touch. It wasn't a reaction that she was used to, knowing that she was especially difficult to resist right now. Terra growled playfully as he reached up licking her chin. Her tail wagged happily as she stepped away from him, at last leaving him room to stand up. She crouched there, letting the bones shift and melt, lengthening. It didn't hurt, though it did sound like it did. She had finally gotten used to tuning that out though, with the noise no longer bothering her. Her claws lengthened, the pads of her paws separating and lengthening out. Her back legs stretched, tearing slightly at the wood beneath her before she shook her red hair out and stood up.

Lightly she laughed at his credulousness. Finding stuff for the room would be easy. Well, for Terra it would be. The room was empty, and hard to sleep on. That part didn't particularly bother her, used to dropping wherever she was, whether on a rocky plain or curled up beneath tree roots, but she knew exactly what could be used to do so. She just had to avoid certain items that immediately leaped into her mind at the suggestion. I'm Terra. She flashed a charming smile at him, holding her hand down to pull him up.

Let the night take you away

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