Sky Means Tochina

OOC here.

Word Count → 388

Oh, how she remembered the days of falling through the snow till it was up to ones nose. Kiara, unlike Dalgina, could glide across the thick snow with ease. Her large, furry paws acted like snowshoes and prevented her from sinking more than a few inches into the white powder. It was a good day to laugh, and Dalgina made sure that Kiara did plenty of laughing. Her puppy antics were a joy to watch, and would one day be severely missed. The Ikusei strolled up to the black puppy and gave her an encouraging nudge with her nose. Although, it wasn't really necessary seeing how Dalgina had a smile as big as her face.

When Dalgina asked about what dead sticks looked like and made her comment about stalking live ones, Kiara couldn't help but laughed out loud. Her sides heaved and her body shuddered as she tried to control herself. Eventually, the snow wolf's legs gave way and she toppled into the snow and rolled on the ground for a minute. Finally, she righted herself and said gaily, "All of the dead branches are on the ground. Don't take any from the trees. C'mon I'll show you."

With really no effort at all, Kiara pushed herself out of the snow and shook herself free of any that happened to be sticking to her coat. Kiara's double layer of fur prevented the snow from melting on her, which meant that the only way to remove it was by shaking herself. Her scars no longer bothered her, they had healed quickly and well. Kiara turned and began to search the woods nearby the den for any sticks. The arctic wolf had to dig in a few places before she found a stick under the snow. At about a yard long, the branch was a decent size, although it could have been thicker. Kiara skillfully pulled the stick out of the snow and let it fall into the powder so that Dalgina could see it. "That is a dead branch." Kiara strode over to the nearest tree and stood as well as a wolf could. She rested her front paws on the tree's trunk for balance and used her muzzle to point to the branches. "Those are alive because they are still attached to the tree. See the difference?"

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