Can't say for everyone else, Anselm is just antisocial and weird. Tongue

!@#$%She sensed his presence, and he sensed her sensing this. One ear flicked casually as she paused and turned about to face him--there was no sense in trying to hide. He stuck out like a sore thumb up on top of his boulder, especially with his fur glowing reddish gold in the moonlight. Even as she addressed him, he remained silent and seated neatly. Her mini-tirade aroused little interest in him; as far as he was concerned, she was the one behaving strangely. It didn't make sense to talk to strangers unless you had a good question to ask or something important to say. He didn't know her and he doubted she had any information for him, so why would he talk to her? Did it not make sense to let her go along her way in peace?

!@#$%He glanced down at her pointedly with garnet eyes. "Is there some reason you find it fit to approach total strangers in the night?" he asked, tone low--but not aggressive or foreboding. It was something of a serious question. Did she not recognise his scent? These days, that seemed to be enough to put others on edge--or at the very least, it was enough to make them glad when he went about minding his own business. "And shit, I thought it was a crime to touch, not look." She would have to be content with these answers, for he didn't particularly care to elaborate any further. She was rather petite and extremely feminine--in some ways she reminded him of Poe, except much younger. Maybe it was a compliment.
!@#$%Regardless, she certainly didn't seem to be a threat, although he still couldn't comprehend her forwardness. She seemed a little annoyed, but he couldn't help but not take her too seriously. It was nothing against her in particular, of course--it was rare that he took anybody outside of Inferni or his own family seriously. For now, he remained on his perch, obviously not too concerned with doing the polite thing and joining her on the same level. Why bother? What did she want?

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