Sky Means Tochina

Word Count :: +000

OOC text here

Dalgina watched in surprise as Kiara laughed. Her eyes widened as the laugh continued to spread, like a giant infectious sneeze. It spread further and further throughout Kiara until the white wolf fell over, still laughing. Dalgina pounced over, licking at Kiara's face. She was a little worried about how hard her friend had been laughing. That was a lot, knocking oneself over like that. Her tail wagged as Kiara finally slowed, and stood back up. Her ears perked up as Kiara promised to show her.

A large branch was tugged from beneath the snow. Dalgina pounced on it happily, chewing on the stick. It was explained it was dead before Kiara moved over, leaning up a tree. She indicated the branches on the tree now, explaining that because they were attached they were alive. Dalgina's eyes widened with curiosity. She'd never thought of the trees as living before, having only seen them in winter, with the bare branches and empty feeling.

She nodded her head though. Okay. Leave branches on trees. She grabbed the big branch Kiara had pulled out and began tugging on it, trying to drag it towards the den. It was a lot of work, with the branch bigger than her, but she managed to get it over there. Huffing she collapsed on the snow beside it. They still needed more. It would only be a short rest. Then she'd continue. Dalgina's paws laid on the branch possessively, making sure no one else tried to take it.

Dalgina Wolfe-Denahlii

Table by Alex

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