
Trent couldn't help it that his jaw dropped as he watched her change into her optime form. He'd seen Sebastian change, of course, but it was some time ago and since then he'd only seen wolves in one or the other shape. Trent rudely stared at her while she shifted, ears flattening every time he heard a crack that sounded moer than painful. He hadn't forgotten about the pain it still caused him to shift. She did not look to be in a lot of pain, but the sickening cracks reminded him too much of his own changes and he looked away again, gritting his teeth. Trent was clearly not feeling very comfortable.

She introduced herself as Terra once she had changed, and Trent looked at her for a while, observing the changes that had just taken place. It was hard to believe she was still the same wolf.

Terra held out a hand, but Trent wasn't accustomed to what the gesture was meant to offer. He looked at the outstretched hand apologetically, not understanding that she meant to help pull him up — but too insecure to ask — and then scrambled to his feet on his own accord. Were you always like this..? Or did you change later? Trent was curious if there were more like him, that had learned to live with being a luperci at a later age. Maybe they'd be able to teach him some things about learning to deal with his forms, if there were any others around.


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