Sky Means Tochina

Word Count :: +000

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Dalgina watched as Kiara quickly found the sticks they needed. Her tail thumped happily as the pile grew. They'd have no problem making a tree this way! Now she'd just have to figure out what the next part was. Dreaming about what the tree would look like when it was completed Dalgina missed Kiara slinking over, though she did hear the question. Um... There had to be a way. Caught by the question Dalgina could only yelp as her branch was taken away, dragged from the rest of the branches.

Tail wagging she bounded over, barking. That's my stick! She grabbed part of it, and uselessly tugged, unable to get it to move. Moving to the other side of Kiara Dalgina barked loudly, hoping to startle the white wolf into moving. That didn't work either. Growling playfully she stepped right up to the stick, standing over it, holding herself challengingly. Mine. Her brown eyes sparkled happily, enjoying the game and forgetting all about the tree they were trying to make.

Dalgina Wolfe-Denahlii

Table by Alex

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