

His answer wasn't very good. It just gave Terra more to ponder on. She knew she had been born this way, but knowing that some could always shift was strange. He was unsure as well, adding to the puzzle. Terra would have to ask someone after this then, finding out what the difference was between those that could always shift and those that shifted later, unaware that she fell into the former category, having most luperci gain the ability at six months. There was so much that she didn't know, had to learn. Even this freshly adjusting wolf knew more than her. Pups probably knew more. She snorted slightly in frustration heading towards the door.

Opening the door Terra paused at Trent's question. Softly she laughed, the notes falling like bells through the air. Turning she winked at the submissive wolf. I'm open, wolfy. If you're interested there's nothing to fear. No brave knight has stepped up for me yet. She came back, her hand running down his arm. Are you? Or will I have to wait for another? Her voice was low, almost a growl of pleasure before she stepped away lightly, into the hallway. This way. There's some good stuff up here.

Let the night take you away

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