
This was a good room to remember, Trent figured. Trent caught the blanket and looked at it. It smelled kind of funny, and the scent of sheep was now stronger than before. He wondered if perhaps it had previously been a sheep's blanket, although he wasn't sure why a sheep would want a blanket. While he questioned her about the ways of the pack, he was given a cushion and he awkwardly held the cushion and the blanket in his hands, not used to carrying stuff around in optime form well yet.

She responded with her usual lack of embarrassment, but then, Trent was embarrassed enough for the both of them. He wasn't sure how he kept returning tot his. As she mentioned making a den, all of this seemed a little weird to him -- after all, why make a den in a room if one could go outside and scratch one out? -- but he didn't say so. Besides, the blanket and the cushion felt rather soft against his fur and Trent figured that it would make a lovely den if it was coated with soft things. He was already growing rather attached to all of the shinies that luperci had, and wanted some of his own. And now he had a room to store them in.

I'll come back later to see if there's anything else, he informed when she asked about it. Since Trent had been looking away from her, he didn't notice the wink, or he might've felt embarrassed or at a loss for words. If you can take some uh, wooden bits, I'll carry this back..? His hands full with the blanket and the cushion, Trent waited for Terra to take some things and lead the way back to his room. Trent would follow her then. He wasn't sure what would happen there, and neither was he very sure what he wanted to happen once they'd get there.


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