Life Starts

OOC if i knew i'd give some to terra she needs some love

A whistle broke through the quiet of the morning. One of the horses broke into a slow run, moving away from the rest. Worried that it was trying to escape Hadley followed. He didn't have enough experience with horses to know that they could be trained to come at a whistle. He was lucky that he knew how to feed them, and none of the ones in his care had gotten sick or had any hoof troubles. Following the horse he was surprised to discover Selene crooning to it in a musical language he didn't understand.

She looked beautiful standing there, a smile on her face as she petted her horse, relaxed and happy. He didn't want to intrude, and moved to step back. Selene caught a glimpse of movement though, and whirled around. The peaceful atmosphere shattered, and the walls around the female rose again. So unsure, she looked at Hadley, doubting. He shifted from foot to foot. Cheesy romance lines ran through his head. Better now that you're here. Healed in your light. Full of yearning for your touch. Cursing the fantasy that had tantalized his mind that morning Hadley shrugged. Fine. He had been working where he could, though he still spent a lot of time in the room.

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