Life Starts

OOC hes really quiet, eh? ive got so much thinking going on, yet almost never speaks

Selene easily stepped over the obstacle, offering to teach him how to ride. His ears perked up slightly, though they remained in a submissive position. The reins holding the horse was pressed into Hadley's hand, and he looked at the stallion uncertainly. He did seem like a fairly nice creature, but Hadley couldn't picture himself on top of the horse. Selene introduced the horse as Uka, and Hadley's tail wagged hesitantly. The horse had a name, unlike his nameless companion with Amy.

He ducked his head shyly at Selene's words, saying that she would rather hang out with him than others. Hadley wasn't anyone particularly special. He was capable of work, but he was really timid, and often flinched away from others. A hand reached up to touch his shoulder. Hadley met Selene's warm eyes briefly before looking away again, a small smile briefly appearing before it vanished once more. The horse nickered, and Hadley watched in surprise as it swung it's head towards them. Selene caught the horse and apologized, explaining that the horse thought he was the boss. The idea brought a small chuckle from the large male.

Hadley followed Selene around, letting the reins slide in his hand. He watched as Selene promptly climbed onto the horse's back. Glancing at the stallion Hadley was surprised to see how calm Uka was taking being used as a stepping stool onto his back. Selene clambered down the other side, and came back around. Watching her he realized Selene expected him to mimic that. Nervously he looked at the horse. The horse looked right back at him, as if calling him an idiot for taking so long. You'll come up too, right? He looked nervously at Selene, hoping that she would be up there with him, and not leave him to figure it out on his own.

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