Life Starts

OOC you just had to wake up sexy hadley, didn't you?

His grip tightened slightly at Selene's words. Briefly he nuzzled her back as she touched him, then the horse lurched underneath. Hadley let out a small gasp before looking around. It was incredible. The horse felt smooth and warm under his body, and Selene's touch, curled up next to him, was so right. He gazed around quietly, watching the trees pass by. The land was so large, yet it didn't hold any meaning for him. Only the movement of the horse and the touch of Selene's body held anything for Hadley. He'd traveled for so long, the beauty lost in the pain and fear he'd lived through.

Selene's sigh of contentment had Hadley leaning forward, nuzzling her gently. Somehow he felt the need to reassure her, to take care of her. Everything was so peaceful, and Hadley could forget about the scars on his body, forget about everything that he had suffered. A short distance further and Selene stirred from where she was. Hadley glanced over, noticing the rising steam. A hot spring, so similar to where Hadley had witnessed someone defeat Amy, only to discover that she was still more evil. Her promise of revenge, even as blood ran down her body, was terrifying. He even felt sorry for the scarred beast that had done that, knowing what awaited him. Amy had trained relentlessly after that. If she hadn't been a warrior before, she certainly was now.

Selene seemed eager to try it out, and Hadley nodded his head quietly. Sure. More musical words spilled from the female as she soothed Uka, patting his neck gently. His ears twisted forwards, trying to capture every note. Selene drifted off for a moment, before leaning into him. A hand reached down, touching his, and Hadley felt slightly aroused. His hand moved slowly along her waist, pausing as she spoke. I don't belong to her anymore. No, now he was Sebastian's. Hadley was playing with fire, touching Selene the way he was, but he suddenly felt rebellious, not wanting to remain timid. He slipped off the horse, holding out his arms to catch Selene and take them both to the spring.

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