Selling sea shells by the sea shore..

Sorry for the wait, I’ve been on vacation to Santorini in Greece…>>;

Though he thught it weird that she had never met a shape-shifter before, he didn’t show off any reaction to it when she spoke, the midnight-blue male tried to make her as comfortable as possible. And he knew that at the moment someone started to feel dumb or unintellectual, they felt uncomfortable and started to go on the defensive. For some reason he didn’t want her to feel any discomfort, there was something pure about this female, and the fact that she was dragging along this creature that reminded him of a mixture between a rabbit, rat and a squirrel just emphasized even more this aura of innosence that he felt surrounded her.

Oh, so you’ve lived here before? How was the place then? the interest was genuine. I myself have been wandering around for about two years, but I wasn’t so lucky to be in company of family. I envy you. He softly smiled at her. His sitting posture started to get a little uncomfortable, his thighs were starting to feel a bit tired, so ungalantly he dumped his butt down in the sand and crossed his legs in a Buddha like fashion. Much better, he sighted.

You like them? he was a bit surpised, he hadn’t had anyone commenting his hair decorations yet. They are actually hunting and war trophies from my old clan, not that that matter anything here, so I guess they’ve just been reduced to pretty decorations… a slightly sadness had taken room in his bloody red eyes. Suddenly he felt very old, like as if his life had been stolen away and that it now only were a dusted memory that no one but he could interpret. He scratched his head and smiled embarrassed to Alexey.


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