Life Starts


{OOC: definite powerplay, tell me if you want it changed. I fricken hate my school. I'm sitting in the field on my phone, hiding from the supervisors (aka prison guards)}

Selene had the urge to close her eyes in pure bliss, even giving into that when his nose gently probed her back. Only then did the fae realize that she had control over the reins, opening her eyes to watch. Hadley agreed on the pools, Selene's smile stretched wider across her face. The muscular man swooped from Uka, to hold out his arms. The girl couldn't help but fall easily into them to be held easily. Her small form made this easy, her arms wrapped effortlessly around his neck, evermore swooning in his arms. Selene knew nothing of desire and lust, lost those towhee she was forcibly used against her will. She knew no words to call this, but stuck to actions just as well. Uka wandered wandered a ways off, oblivious to the two canines that had so recently been his charges.

Selene let her tongue come out of her sleek maw, to catch and caress at his neck. She didn't think, didn't consider the probability that his actions couldn't be from the same reason. As they reached the pools, Selene slipped from his arms. Took one large hand in her small one and went towards the springs. "Hadley..." The lithe swordswoman had much more to say, but all she managed was saying his name rather breathily.

Selene smiled, giving his hand a gentle squeeze before detaching herself to head into the water. Pulling off the white boots, Sel turned back to gesture for Hadley to follow.Slowly, the cream and caramel femme submerged herself, closing her eyes and sighing as the water soaked easily into thick fur. With water up to her hips, the Fiera reached out a hand for Hadley, steam almost encasing around her body.

{i am in love with what we were, not what we  should be}

text table by me


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