Life Starts

OOC here!

A beautiful noise escaped the small female's lips, bringing a grin to Hadley's. Selene's arms locked around Hadley's body. He kissed the top of her head gently, unwilling to do anything that she might dislike. He smiled as her hand ran through the short mane on his head. He stroked her gently, his face twisting into confusion as Selene questioned the actions. Didn't you want to come here? He didn't understand that it had to do with the actions they were taking. For Hadley it was a simple process of accept or reject, and Selene hadn't rejected. She'd responded.

He pulled away slightly as Selene studied him, still confused. His ears flattened, wondering if he'd done something wrong. Of course he had. He'd followed his feelings, let his emotions lead instead of his head. Shaking his head slowly he looked down, watching the steam rise. I don't want to hurt you. I'm the one designed to be used, not you. You can be safe. A tongue caught at Hadley's muzzle before Selene slipped away, sinking into the water. Chastised Hadley looked away. Sorry. He had known he was being disobedient. Of course this would happen.

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