Life Starts


{OOC:I am so sorry...It's impossible to keep her away from him Tongue I did it again, another powerplay. Shout at me I you want it changed}

Selene let herself stand up from the hot pool of water when Hadley had started explaining. Tall ears pressed themselves to her skull, not quite displeased but a little disappointed. She hadn't ordered him to come to the pools, or even to touch her like he had. "Hadley...I thought you'd want to come here too...I wanted it to be a place for us." She walked in the pool, sloshing the warm liquid ever so slightly as she brought herself closer to him. He had apologized, and quietly and softly, she retorted kindly. "Don't say you're sorry...You did nothing wrong. What you did, you made me happy. Happy to be near you. And for a while, I needed you close...It's just-Wanted to ask what you felt a few moments ago. I guess I felt pretty good. " Selene pushed back a wet strand of hair from her face to continue. "You already know how I was used before...I just don't know how to know, if I can have you close for a while...Without getting left behind after. "

The hybrid bestowed a small smile, tentatively pressing herself close once again. Wrapping longish arms around him once again. "I would never use you in the wrong ways. I trust you. I just had to know...Why me? There are tons of other women out there, and I'm probably the last choice for anyone to be close to." She was afraid, to be used once and be so easily disposed. Within, the Fiera knew that he would never hurt her, and there was a deep trust that lingered there. But it wasn't her physical self she was worried about to be harmed.

She pressed on his chest, applying the slightest pressure to gesture for him to sit with her in the pools. Quietly, Selene mustered up some words, saying them carefully as if not to mess up and insult him. "I'm so fortunate to be near you...But there's something else I feel too...I'm just too afraid to say it." In this blissful beautiful place, she couldn't just openly say I love you. Fearing that she'd get the same reaction as before. Perhaps she was a coward, afraid to let loose the things she felt to the man she felt it for. Although her fur was wet, Sel pressed herself to his sitting form, practically sitting in his lap. Gently nuzzling his neck, she longed for him to hold her again, touch her body like he did so perfectly. The girl had swooned under his touch, felt lovely even. "What do you feel? Right now, this moment?I guess I feel happy, maybe warm inside...I think I'm getting attached to you to tell you the truth. I hope that doesn't bother you..." It was lucky that the Luperci had fur, she'd be blushing so bashfully if she didn't. Again, she offered a gentle kiss to his face. Sel tried to be everything anyone would want, and hopefully she wasn't too clingy. Taking a deep breath, Selene leaned into his behemoth body, not meeting his eyes in fear of another bad reaction like the last one. "I am never gonna take advantage of you...Hurt you in any way. I love you Hadley." She feared being pushed away, but it was undeniably true about those feelings. Hopefully he'd accept it, hold her close and touch her like she did. Be knowledgeable about the fact that someone cared.

{i am in love with what we were, not what we  should be}

text table by me


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