Life Starts

It's no prob, you play out Hadley pretty well. Unlike me, you don't abuse the facts in their personality and change them to be completely different. It's nice C:

Selene watched Hadley from the corner of her eye, how could this gentle man be able to be accused of using her? Her mind was becoming hazy, dizzy from the thick hot steam rising around them. The petite swordswoman sighed, closing her eyes. Of course where she sat was comfortable, a lovely seat near Hadley. Her long muzzle opened in a lazy yawn, until she opened her dark crimson orbs to gaze curiously at the larger canine.

Selene tentatively and gently let her slender hand reach up to brush a little bit of stray mane from his face, for the last while Sel had wanted to be close to him, held as if something precious, and now temporarily she had it. She noticed how shy Hadley had become, to muster a few words which made the girl nestle her muzzle closer to his chest. He liked holding her, but she didn't know why. And she didn't need to know, it would be fine not knowing. Quietly, Selene nuzzled into his chest, mumbling softly "I like it when you hold me."

She knew that this couldn't possibly be love from him, and maybe it wasn't her place to make him. But there seemed to be something, maybe a mutual affection? Anyway, it was fine. Beautiful even. As a child she had dreamed of having someone to cuddle her close, reassure her that the world was a thing of beauty. Shelter her from the dangers. She lost those dreams after her time on the S.S Nightmare, but now...She wasn't so negative about all that. 

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