For you and I are past our dancing days

There was a time, when I was young

And love it felt so strong

Now it comes back to me

What's going on?

Its a lot like Romeo and Juliet

Word Count :: 000 PP okay-ed by Shannon

Aeron just watched her and hoped that the woman would just leave she didn't want to be near her she didn't want to deal with the pain that she harbored. She wanted everything to go away. Her world that she was happy in had been broken when the woman first came into her life. Aeron had fallen for her looks and her kindness. Something that aeron needed Kindness and now Aeron wanted none of it. Or she tried hard not to.

"I'll Speak how ever I want." Plus to Aeron it was more degrading she was able to hide how she was feeling better by speaking in riddles. She didn't care what Charm wanted she wanted but she would never allow herself to have. She was nothing but a member of Anathema and that was where her heart lay.

Charm held her hand for a brief moment. Aeron looked at her and smiled a bit. Aeron wanted to leave she didn't want the lust that was pent up to show. Lust that was the word there was no love. Love was such a dirty word and one she never wanted to use again. There was a tree behind the Calico woman and Aeron advanced to her. Raising her hand she lightly pushed the woman against the tree and wrapped a hand lightly around her neck. The woman's stomach rounded and kept Aeron at a small distance. The golden Coyote's eyes came to life as she leaned closer to the taller woman.

"You don't love me. You lust for that which you cant have." She licked at her maw moving to force a kiss on the woman. "Demons don't know love I've laid with the devil and signed my soul to him." he tired to force another kiss. "I wanted to be with you and couldn't now you stand here claiming to love me. Don't a snarl emitted from her. The things Aeron would do to her if only she could. She'd have her way and show her what she lost.

table by marie

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