Regarding Ichika no Ho-En
I am not from InH, nor do I really know a whole lot about the pack itself, but I wanted to add my $0.02 about the changes.

I noticed a lot of you had said that just because leadership has changed, the pack does not need to change. And while that is true it is only realistic that with new leadership there would be a few new ic and ooc changes for the pack. That being said I can fully understand those of you opposed to changes in color/song/theme, but otherwise Zyn's purposed changes really aren't all that drastic, from my point of view.

Perhaps it's because its all come about rather sudden and out of the blue (or is that just me cause I dont pay enough attention??) and so a lot of you are reacting like you just had a bucket of cold water thrown on you. Just try to keep an open mind and I am glad to see that communication channels seem to be open both ways between Zyn and the members.

Change is hard sometimes, but in the long haul I thin Zyn is only trying to build upon what she was given rather than just tearing it down. All in all it looks to me as if compromises are being made and I hope a happy middle ground can be found for most, I dont dare hope for all.

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