Hearts Intertwine

Word Count → 286 :: OOC

Cerberus smirked as Terra teased him; he knew full well he’d looked like an idiot, and perhaps acted like one too. But it didn’t by any means diminish the pride that he felt for accomplishing what he’d set out to do, especially when he’d feared failure beforehand. Terra nuzzled up against Cerberus once more, and the warmth from her body helped him relax further. Now that trees weren’t entirely blocking his view, Cerberus could fully appreciate what a clear day it was. A perfect day for relaxing with attractive company, he thought. But he could sense tension nestled deep in Terra’s being, and he wondered if perhaps she wasn’t truly as comfortable as she set out to make him believe.

Turning to Terra, Cerberus reached out to gently run his fingers through her long hair in hopes that she’d relax a little. But then he paused, suddenly wondering if his touch was what made her hesitant. It made sense, especially seeing as she’d nearly been molested by another male only moments ago. With a brief smile for her benefit, Cerberus let his hand casually retreat to his abdomen, resting it there in an attempt to allow Terra to do what would make her most comfortable. Ceri did tend to have a calming effect on others, seeing as he was so laid back himself. But there had been a few cold demeanors he’d failed to crack at a time or two, and he wondered if Terra’s would be the next. She seemed lively enough, playful enough. Perhaps she just needed to warm up a little…or perhaps the fact that she was in heat had completely slipped Ceri’s mind, and he was mistaking her squelched arousal for nervousness.

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