with a mouth full of bones
Gah, this is bad. Phone calls, cats trying to eat my food... @_@

For as many things as there were to hear, he hadn't expected to hear someone approaching so soon. The sound of feet being brought through the wet grass caught his attention just as readily as his breathing and then his eventual voice. A young voice, nonetheless. Slowly opening his eyes as though he were the laziest thing around, the clothed coyote let his head sway and bob in the direction, letting the dark-haired yearling side into view. “Hi kid.” Like Laurel, he also had green eyes which never ceased to amuse him because after so long of seeing the same kind of eyes over and over and over, now he was seeing the same colour and sometimes, almost the same shade of green that he had.

“You think it's gonna rain any more?” Idle chatter, putting off the inevitable questions that he imagined were going to be trickling down the road sooner than later. He stood out like a sore thumb against the vibrant grass; the colour of sand, cloaked in dark clothing that made him feel twice as warm than he actually was. The beads in his hair and the hat set him even more off from the world as it were. But that aside, he let his gaze dwindle back to the sky, eyeing the bits of blue that started to break through the overcast ceiling.

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