[M] When Shadows Lurk
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I'm out on the edge and I'm screaming my name like a fool at the top of my lungs
OOC: ... || WC: 000

Dancing fireflies teased her, blinking promises of a fun chase. Chastising tones of her mother shattered the thoughts of play, making the yearling gaze longingly to green lights. Soft huffs of a sigh escaped black and silver lips, as the girl gazed down into her lovers eyes and winked at him,than turned again to face the sky. The sun had completely set and a great new moon rose over the land empowering all which surround them with beams of light. The air was crisp and she began to shiver violently. She felt bad that she was so unprepared...she didn't even know where to go tonight. "Good, because if you did leave..." her voice went silent and she smirked. He didn't know how much pain she could cause someone. She licked his lips and planted small kisses down his neck and chest.

sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright but it's never enough
Table by Stormie, template by revo. <3
Image courtesy of moonfairy1111@deviantart.com [/html]

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