[M] When Shadows Lurk
OOC: Don't worry about feeling rushed or anything. I'm working today and will be at the computer all day so we have time. ^_^ | WC :: +000

Shadow smiled at Insomnia, leaned down and kissed her once more before he lifted himself up and got to his feet. Once up he chuckled lightly as smiled as he leaned down and picked her up across his arms like a husband would his bride and he headed in the direction of the town he had passed when heading to the lake. Shadow held her close to him to make sure she didn't get cold. He had one arm behind her back and one under her legs, he was in love point of fact and would carry this woman up a mountain if he had too. As they walked the wind picked up a little and he made sure the wind was to his back and hitting Insomnia as little as possible, Shadow could deal with cold so he didn't much care about himself he was focused on his love and her well being over his.

"so this town i passed, have you ever been there before and do you know anything about it, perhaps an ideal building to spend the night in as we hide from the cold?" From the few packs that i have come to meet with i know now that without a doubt i am going to join Insomnia's. She is my reason for belonging and i am now more happy then i have ever been. I love this woman and will never leave her. Shadow kept walking slowly as his tail moved from one side of him to the other casually and his ears lay lightly on his head dew to the wind that was trying to whistle into them. Shadow again showed his affection by leaning down and nipped at his loves ears and he smiled at her when she looked to him and he winked as he looked forward towards there destination.

Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!' Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'
template by revo. <3


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