A Chance Encounter
OOC text | WC :: +000

As he stood below he noticed the look on her face right away. She was going to test him. From the way she fell he judged quickly that she had it all under control but honor and a promise meant that even if she would be fine on her own he had to help. He casually put his arms and and positioned himself so that she would land perfectly in his arms with one arm under her legs and one behind her back. There was a soft thump as she hit his arms and they barely moved as he had judged her speed and how much force he would need. He even acted for a second like he wouldn't catch her but just before she would need to turn herself so as to not hurt herself he put his arms out letting her now he had her.

After catching her he looked at her with a smile on his face and then like a knight would a princess he placed her down softly as he looked at her and then he turned away as if he didn't care if she was okay or not. He knew she was but she liked playing games of tricks and deception so he would entertain her as she wanted. Shadow whistled lightly as he walked casually away from her but he listed carefully just in case she were to try and jump on his back or something. It had been a while since he had been around on so young and to play and be carefree for a while would be good for him. A nice change of pace was always good for those who needed it.

Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!' Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'
template by revo. <3


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