Righting a Wrong

Count it: +510// Big Grin

The new Gamma took his time returning from the borders, selecting a long and winding route that took the male through the base of the mountains and occasionally up the rocky sides. He liked the solace of his own mind, and was careful to sometimes separate himself from his new family. It was not designed as an insult, and he certainly hoped it was never construed in such a fashion, but the alabaster man needed his daily space. In these times he let his thoughts dwell uncomfortably on Lea in a less than platonic manner; on the curves of her body, the radiant grin that once spread across her striking face. His sister had been beautiful before madness set in, before everything she knew was betrayed. Shandom wondered whether or not she was still as lovely as she once was, or whether she was the coarse monster he saw that fateful, blood soaked night.

With responsibilities had come less time to dwell on her, and Shandom thought this a perfect opportunity to let himself get lost in the memories of what could have been. Seeing Cerberus' eyes light at the thought of Ciara reminded him of what he must have looked like when he was the younger man's age - so in love, so eager to spend the rest of his life with someone! Lea had been that someone, had always been that someone - his heart, so often ignored, still beat strong for the dark and cruel female. It was a match made in hell, forged by the Devil himself for some cruel entertainment; Shandom wondered what he must have done in a past life to deserve such a path. He had done so well since coming to New Dawn and avoided dwelling on the sister he missed so much, but a low whine now escaped his mouth and ears flicked back on his large skull; the man was heartsick, and lonely.

But a summoning call reached his ears, and Shandom sighed in resignation. It was Ciara, requesting his presence for some unknown reason, and the Gamma gathered himself before picking up a quick trot in the direction of her howl. The male hadn't much seen his young Sister since the argument about Noah. Shandom felt bad for his harshness, though not for his intent - the young one had been in direct defiance of Zalen's orders, and he took things like that extremely seriously. It was in his nature, having once been a leader of an apparently rigid pack. He could not apologize for it, but would apologize for his abrasiveness if she requested it.

The journey didn't take long at all, and soon he saw the lithe form of the girl he sought. Hello, Ciara! Shandom called, his stance more dominant than it had been in the past. His ears were forward and tail raised slightly: the man was obviously proud of his new promotion, and would wear it like an award. It is a pleasure to see you. What can I do for you, sister?


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