Righting a Wrong

OOC:: I thiiink you mixed up Insomnia and Ciara in the second paragraph there. >.> WC: 620

In Character

Ciara had been lost in thought herself while waiting for Shandom to answer her call. Her mind was reeling with hope that Zalen would accept Cerberus into the pack, and excitement of life ahead if he was. She wasn’t completely sure, but she thought that the scruffy hybrid had a thing for her, maybe even liked her as much as she already liked him. It was far too early to tell, yet, but the yearling knew from the peculiar sensation that filled her each time Cerberus looked at her, that she had more than a tiny crush.

After awhile, the wind brought the news of Shandom’s arrival, and Ciara mentally prepared herself. Her stomach twisted with the anxiety she was feeling, and before the alabaster male even showed up, her tawny, black-rimmed ears pinned back against her head with worry. The yearling thought back on that day with Noah. She didn’t regret doing something nice for the Omega, but she did regret the fact that she’d gone against Zalen’s law. The Alpha had never approached her about the matter, but it had been explained a few times over and she understood what she’d done wrong. She also knew that she’d been insolent with the new Gamma, and that he’d only been trying to help her. For that, she was truly sorry.

Her eyebrows lifted in surprise when Shandom approached and called out in a tone that was friendlier than she’d expected. Maybe she was wrong for thinking that he hated her? She knew, however, that the male could make his voice have the sweetest tones even when he was angry. Ciara had seen that between Shandom and Soran over the Noah incident, and though she couldn’t be sure, she had sensed the male’s anger even then.

As the Gamma drew closer, Ciara folded herself into a posture of submission. Her ears remained paper-flat against her head and her tail tucked low as she lowered herself to the ground. It might have been a bit of overkill, but she wanted Shandom to realize just how much she respected him. He was her pack mate, and even though they had barely spoken Ciara already saw the Qi’Vaex as an older brother. Averting her earth-coloured eyes, the yearling gave a happy whine when the man said it was a pleasure to see her.

“Brother,” she began, keeping her head and eyes low. “I am sorry if I interrupted something. Thank you for coming to see me.” A pink tongue darted out as she licked at her lips nervously; honestly worried that he might not accept her apology or that he’d be annoyed at her for calling him. “I wanted to congratulate you on your promotion. You deserve it, Shandom, and you’ll make a fine Gamma.” She knew that the different aspects of pack hierarchy were new to her, but she understood the role of Gamma as one that gave advice to the Alphas.

“I also…wanted to apologize for my behaviour a few nights ago with the Noah incident.” She hesitated, then, gathering her thoughts so she wouldn’t screw up. “I was…insolent. Not only did I go against Zalen’s orders but I was disrespectful to you as well, and you’re my elder, now my superior.” Only then did Ciara raise her eyes, though she was careful not to make direct eye contact with the male. “I hope you can accept my apology.” All she could do now was remain on the ground and wait for his reply. She hoped that he would forgive her, and that they could move on from the incident with no awkwardness.

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