There ain't no room in my bed


She was cornered in this room, and yet she didn't give up. She still hid herself. Perhaps she had a plan to slip by Vikas and into another room. He did still have to get her back to the living room, but he wasn't too worried about that. If he could get a hold of her, he was sure he could transport her to the right room. The problem was getting a hold of her in the first place. She had already proven to be as easy to hold as a puddle of water, and even that was assuming he could find and catch up to her. Vikas was happy to compete against her, her skill was what made this fun. Fleta was determined not to give him anything without him earning it. Likewise, Vikas wasn't too eager to just hand her anything she wanted. It had less to do with the actual item he'd be losing, it was the idea of being defeated. But the slender girl had proven to be quite the challenge, and he was in jeopardy of losing. Perhaps he didn't have greater endurance after all, and she could just keep squirming out of his grasp all day long. At what point would he stop and just admit she had bested him?

All he knew was that he hadn't reached that point yet. He entered the kitchen, creeping slowly across the room as he looked for good hiding spots. He scanned the cupboards with his eyes and checked to see if there was room for her to hide behind the fridge. It didn't take him long to check out the table and spot the elusive female. "Gotcha," he said gleefully, lurching forward with both hands this time. He attempted to pull her out from her hiding spot, hopefully not too forcefully. He didn't want to dislocate her joints in his excitement. "Let's take a little visit to the living room, shall we?" Vikas wondered silently to himself if she had laid more traps for him. It seemed everything was safe now, but he could never really tell with her.

Vikas Limonchenko
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