There ain't no room in my bed


Vikas let go of her, leaving Terra feeling bereft. A small whine slipped from her before she could stop it. Hoping that he hadn't noticed Terra clenched her hands behind her, doing all she could to not reach for him. They were so close to each other, the temptation dancing in front. She was fairly sure Vikas wanted her as well, but they had chosen to behave, a rarity in Terra's short life. She wasn't someone who buckled down and behaved. Only his words of wanting to not have things be awkward if he joined the pack kept her from giving in, wanting him to last so much longer than a single encounter. He had amused her, and challenged her, though he had done nothing to settle the fire inside her.

Vikas studied her, looking for what he would choose. Terra was overly conscious of where his eyes were, feeling each part keenly, as if he was actually tracing over her body with his fingers. It lifted past her ankles, where bright golden jewelry laid, to her chest, with the red fabric wrapped around her, a bright splash of color next to her body. Vikas stepped closer, and Terra smiled, inhaling his scent, remembering every part of him, intoxicated by his presence. Another time, she wouldn't have been as hyper aware. This wasn't another time however, and Terra struggled to take her mind off him, focusing on the challenge they'd completed.

His hand reached up, tugging softly at the fabric. Terra's own hand slid to the fabric, ready to help remove it. He stopped though, her eyes sparking with confusion. There was nothing else for him to take. A gentle smile met her, and his words set her heart racing. You wish for my time? Terra hadn't considered that her time would be given away, but the words were clearly that the winner could take anything the other had. Terra simply hadn't been thinking so deeply. Grinning at the clever way he'd managed to ensure they'd meet again Terra nodded. Alright. Meet when the moon returns to this position? She was glad that he'd found a way that they could meet again. Maybe next time she'd take him to her pack.

Let the night take you away

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