Faolin Thread (I lost the title XD)

"Gabby'd been mad at ya." She explained quietly, still frowning at the prospect of having to tell her family that she'd left. "I wouldn't want him to be mad at ya jus' cause I wanted to go." Not only that but, she could only figure that her older brother would try to keep them from going, which was also something else that she hadn't wanted to deal with. She knew just how much her brother disliked her father, it was apparent in the way that he spoke and the look in his eyes when they spoke of him. Hell, Gabriel didn't even care about his own father, why would he want her to care about hers? No one else ever seemed to concerned with him, either.

"S'long as Gabby isn't there, I'd like that." It was bad that she felt she couldn't come clean to her brother face to face, that she might have to push the whole thing off on someone else, but something inside of her made her feel good to know that Faolin would do something like that for her. If anything, she should have known that Faolin might understand what was going through her head and why she had gone. "I don't think I could tell him now, not yet, but I wouldn't want you t'hafta do it for me either." It wasn't her fault that any of this had happened and, at least she assumed, her brother wouldn't be very fond of the fact that Rachias had left in the first place.


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