Twist of Fate
Shadow watched her face and then as she walked over to the back of the wagon he got up and moved unhindered by his wound. He moved behind her left shoulder looking at the pups as well and he placed a hand on her shoulder tenderly.As he looked to the pups he spoke. " If you care for these pups, which i know you do, then you will be an excellent mother and i have faith in you.

"Amy, I know what you hide...why you hide it, your past haunts you and you run from it, that is why when given a obstacle now you rush head long into it and break it down because you can't face that past...I would help you, help you break down these barriers you have, then when that was done you would feel more alive and better than you have in a great many moons."

He looked to her as her face was turned away from him and to her pups and he did his best to read what she may have been thinking or what she might do. Shadow knew that if he kept digging and giving support he could get through to her but given her past he knew that she could turn and tackle him to the ground at any second if she so wished and he would let her. Shadow could only guess at how much she has suppressed over the many moons that have past from so long ago and he knew that when that top was removed he would be in for a lot of punishment.

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